All top tier academicians (engaged in either or both of academic teaching and research), executive level managers of academic institutions, suppliers of key professional support services to academia and institutional large scale users of the services provided by the academia, and who are domiciled in Africa are eligible to be nominated and subsequently considered for conferment of awards in the relevant categories under this award scheme. Nationality does not matter, although in the event of a tie in the assessment for any category of award, preference would be given to an African over a non-African. Furthermore, nominations of females are actively encouraged as gender would be a deciding factor in the event of a tie between a male and a female nominee.
Awardees are automatically entitled to participate in the conference. The organizers, in consultation with a specially constituted panel of experts comprising top tier academicians and representatives of various stakeholder institutions will draw up a list of non-awardee participants for the conference. Participation is strictly by invitation.